New user here! I couldn't have picked a worst time to sign up to Newgrounds than right before their "April Fools" joke.
I've started up a hobby in composing music (mainly orchestral) last year and have been posting my songs on Youtube and Soundcloud.
I noticed recently that a few respected indie composers (Denny Schneidemesser a.k.a. Danman87 for example) have started out posting their work here, so I thought to do so likewise. I am in no terms in the same league as Denny or other professional composers out there, but you gotta start somewhere.
I will be uploading my songs here as soon as I can, and I look forward to hearing any feedback you have for me, whether praiseworthy or critical. But please, keep the comments clean and professional.
Ah what a first impression that must've been. XD it's a yearly tradition here though so hopefully you don't feel too offput about it! There'll likely be something next year too. Always something new, though. Not usually as content-limiting as this years...
There's some history here if you're interested:
But anyway. Welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay!
Thanks for the welcome!
I wasn't put off by the April Fools joke; in fact, I had a good chuckle about it, especially after reading the questions on their quiz.