I appreciate the feedback you guys have given me so far. As I have said before, I haven't been making music for that long and that in comparison to the commercially-released songs, mine suck. It will take time, experience, and continued feedback for me to get good at this, and I thank you for your patience. Let's get on with the news and updates.
First of all, I have recently bought Cubase Elements from someone for a really good price, and I have a song I would like to finish in Reaper, probably by the end of May or early June. After finishing said song, I would like to spend a month or two learning how to use Cubase and have that be my main DAW until I can afford to upgrade to Pro, so I probably won't be uploading any songs during June and July.
I also just got done uploading a new song on Youtube (for now, I'm just uploading my older songs to this site until I'm caught up) and for the first time, I've really utilized the dynamics in instruments. I haven't done so before due to both lack of knowledge, and admittedly just sheer laziness. Anyway, feel free to check out the song here, and let me know what you think of it.